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Qin Di _ Tang Jia San Shao _ txt Novel Paradise (5th Jan 23 at 1:07am UTC)
Seeing Maldini jump from the back of the water dragon, Ye Yinzhu already understood what he meant, and his eyes could not help showing a ray of respect. With a wave of the phoenix plume in his hand, he was about to jump down from the purple shoulder. For Marshal Maldini, Ye Yinzhu is still very respectful. Without Maldini's help, his bamboo fighting spirit would not have been so easy to improve. Recalling the old horse who came to listen to himself play the piano every day, although he was in the six decisions, he still hoped to give the respected elder a fair deal. However, Ye Yinzhu's action was stopped by purple, the existence of the same life contract, let purple directly receive the idea of Ye Yinzhu's heart, "Yinzhu, don't forget, this six-way challenge itself is unfair.". Behind you, there are twenty thousand Qin City soldiers looking forward to victory. Purple words make Ye Yinzhu heart a Rin, respect is important, but the decision of the six ways is not decided by this battle. Six days and six battles, strength consumption is their biggest enemy. What's more, in a one-to-one situation, he may not be Maldini's opponent who has reached the fifth level of purple! In the heart dark sigh, I'm sorry, old horse. He regained his footing on the purple back and looked quietly at Maldini below. In this riding battle, the falling mount should have been counted as a negative. But according to the rules of the Six Ways, before the battle begins, I have the right to give up my mount and fight alone. Maldini raised the eight-meter dragon gun slowly in his hand,Nail machine manufacturer, and his gentle tone showed that he was not in a disordered mood at this time. Faced with the combination of the mythical beast and Ye Yinzhu, at this moment, the Imperial Marshal's fighting spirit was thoroughly inspired, and the extraordinary calm made him reach the real peak in ten years. The pure purple fighting spirit gushed out from the body and spread to every corner of the body and the dragon lance. At this time, Maldini has reached his peak. Then let's get started. Ye Yinxiu gave a low drink and completely restrained his mood. Phoenix Ling pointed obliquely at Maldini. Kill- "Maldini burst out. In an instant, with his position as the center, the ground around him cracked at the same time within a radius of ten meters. The next moment, his body had risen into the air like a cannonball, turned into a purple meteor, and went straight to the front of his purple chest. The whole person and the dragon lance were completely integrated. The tip of the dragon lance was the sharpest point after the fusion, and the point where the fighting spirit was condensed.". www.xiAoshuotxT.cOM Chapter 153 the first battle of the six ways: Riding (part two). Yin Zhu did not move, still maintaining the posture just now, only in the hands of Feng Maldini's body position and slowly change direction, wire nail machine manufacturers ,iron nail machine, Qi always locked the opponent. Kill- "There was another loud shout, but this time the sound belonged to purple.". Violet ignored Maldini's dragon lance, and a huge purple light, like a mountain, appeared in his hands. It was an epee, an epee that put all epee warriors to shame. With a total length of 17 meters, the length of the blade alone is more than 13 meters. Ju Zong suzerain had seen the sword before, and lost to Zi because of it, but he didn't know the true power of the sword until then. It was like an epoch-making blow that did not leave any hands at all. Purple light passes by, bringing up a fan-shaped purple light and shadow, pointing to the tip of the sword, tearing the air, tearing the space, and the black space cracks that seem to swallow everything are accompanied by a giant sword. The air on the left and right sides was completely frozen at this moment. No one could imagine how powerful the sword was, but as long as it fell on Maldini, everyone could judge the result. That's a deadly situation! Abandoning the direct attack of defense, air has also become a means of auxiliary attack, such a domineering sword, so that Maldini has no choice at this time. To perish together, only to perish together can we compete with the sword that covers tens of meters. Only by perishing together can the dignity of the Violet family be preserved. In an instant, Maldini had made what he thought was the right choice. All the fighting spirit is completely condensed on the peak of the Purple Dragon Lance. He knew that his momentum was so strong that there was no possibility of dodging except to assassinate his opponent and weaken his opponent's attack.
Of course, he would not expect Ziwei Lingtian Armor to help him block such a sword, because it was absolutely impossible. The same purple light. One is a thick purple light spot, the other is a purple light curtain that runs through the world. The soldiers of both sides who watched the battle clearly saw this scene. I don't know how many exclamations sounded at this moment. Dang-, just when the sharp dragon lance was about to stab the purple heart, in front of the purple chest. But there is a dark red shadow. The sharp edge of Ziwei Dragon Spear bumped into the sharp edge of Phoenix Plume. The milky white figure of Ye Yinxiu flashed by, her body swept up in front of the purple chest, and the next moment she had returned to the purple shoulder. The opponents were two men, or one man and one beast. When he saw the dark red light and shadow, Maldini knew that he had lost. Maldini, after all, is the fifth rank of the purple class, and the amazing power that goes all out to burst out is by no means what Ye Yinxiu's first rank of the purple bamboo can resist. However, Ye Yinzhu did not want to completely block his attack. Dark red and purple. At the first time of the collision between the two points of the gun, Ye Yinzhu had already taken advantage of his strength, and he did not even give Maldini a chance to attack himself. But this feather of his. But completely shattered Maldini's intention to attack. The Phoenix Plume was indeed opened by the Purple Dragon Gun, and it was still stabbing the Purple Heart, but it was that moment of delay that the Purple Amethyst Sword had already reached Maldini. This seemingly simple coincidence is actually determined by the perfect cooperation between Ye Yinzhu and Zi. The tacit understanding between the two men was fully demonstrated in the battle. When Purple split the sword, his strength, speed, and when he could fall on his opponent, all these judgments were immediately passed to Ye Yinzhu,Nail Making Machine manufacturers, and Ye Yinzhu also passed the time to block the opponent back to Purple when Phoenix Ling met Ziwei Dragon Gun. Therefore, this seemingly coincidental scene is the result of their calculation, and only when their souls are interlinked can they have such a perfect match.
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